Eureka! Treasure Hunter’s Club was begun over 50 years ago in 1973 by a metal detecting shop owner to bring together people in the Denver area who were interested in the hobby. The club has evolved over the years into more of a social organization that encourages ethical detecting practices, historical research and community involvement.
Members look forward to monthly meetings as a lively atmosphere in which to share information, display recent finds and gain new techniques or knowledge. Diverse and interesting, monthly hunts take place as a competition for members, and often guests, to “show their stuff” in a spirit of camaraderie and fellowship.
While the primary goal of the club is to encourage the enjoyment of the hobby among its members, Eureka! also has provided support to the community through a Physical Evidence Recovery Team, Historical Artifact Recovery Team and charitable contributions to several non-profit organizations.
Club Slogan:
Search with Care
Eureka! was formed
to provide fellowship among all members
to encourage fellowship with other organizations with similar interests
to be of service to the community, including law enforcement agencies and historical societies
to promote proper search and recovery methods
to preserve our heritage
to leave all property in as good or better condition than it was when we arrived
to promote goodwill and understanding with all property owners, overseers, and caretakers
to lobby for or against any pending legislation that would affect our hobby
Eureka THC encourages all treasure hunters and metal detectorists who share our passion for the hobby, and are interested in sharing the fellowship of others who feel the same way, to join our club. With a club membership you will have privileges to participate in all of our member-only hunts, and be eligible to help shape the direction of the club as an elected club officer or board member.
Prospective and existing members can apply for, or renew their yearly membership by filling out the membership form and bringing it to one of our meetings with their membership fee.

Located in the majestic Front Range of Colorado, our club is dedicated to the hobby of metal detecting and to the promotion of responsible participation in the hobby.
Logo Items
Items bearing the Eureka! name, such as embroidered patches and caps, are periodically available. The current patch is the third design offered. These items may be obtained from the club treasurer, as available.
Each member receives a name badge as part of their original membership application fee. These badges identify their recipients as a member of the club. These badges also are used as entry into various drawings, such as the Membership Attendance Drawing at the monthly meeting.
The bylaws of the Eureka! club are available on this site. To apply for membership, prospective members must agree to respect and abide by the club's bylaws and Treasure Hunter's Code of Ethics as a condition of membership.